Instead, let me promise you this..
When you dive into this Wholesale Express package, you’re going to get complete, unfiltered access to our entire wholesale model & see, over the shoulder, how to COPY our wholesale business from complete scratch.
...with what you're about to get your hands on for the princely sum of $97, you're NOT going to need to be a technical wizard or be ‘great with numbers’ to make a small fortune with this.
Now, does this mean you can get this working if switching on a computer or laptop is a challenge? No - I'd suggest coming back later if you're in this camp.
BUT - if you've basic computer skills & a burning desire to get the f*** out of the soul crushing job that's boring the heart and soul out of you...
...then Wholesale Express might just be the best way you put a crisp $10 bill to work right now!
Now, Before We Get Into What You Get...You Might Be Asking Yourself *This*
'Why are you guys offering this for $97 if it's soooo good?!'
That's a fair question & I'm going to respond the only way I know...with the truth (I know, it's kinda rare in the whole 'make money' space - a space that I kinda despise cos of the whole lack of truth thing!)
So here it is..
I'm bribing you.
That's right, you heard me.
I'm prepared to give you some of the best content we have available at a laughable price to prove to you that we're 'not like them' (you know who I mean - the guys flashing lambos telling you you'll be a millionaire in 90 days or less!!)
Now, you might also ask 'well, why don't you give it away for free if your goal is to help more people?!'
Again, fair question (you're doing great!)
And again, here's the no-holds-barred truth.
If I give any of this to you for free, you'll do f*** all with it.
One things the gurus say that I DO agree with is this - when you pay, you pay attention.
And that's what's at stake here today. You giving this some of your time in order to create a significant change in your financial future.
The only way you'll do it is by actively watching, learning and DOING. It won't be by watching more BS videos on YouTube or wishing you were successful.
Both Mike & I LOVE helping people who have absolutely no experience doing this who are looking for a way to build a real business online that can replace their ‘job income’ and help them create REAL freedom from the 9-9 grind (because let’s face it, it’s never 5pm when you get home!)
Because I worked in a shitty job for years and hated it.
❌ I hated the commmute.
❌ The BS conversations at lunch.
❌ The boring meetings.
❌ The bosses with bad breath.
❌ The politics of it all.
And I said to myself 'if I ever figure this stuff out...I'm gonna share it'
This is my motivation to offer something to you for $97. It's an investment in YOU.
I mean, we know that when you go through this (and are blown away) - you'll be excited about joining our Accelerate program & in time, our breakthrough Ascension mentorship program.
But for now, you're just getting to know us & you probably think we're like everyone else right now (which is normal!)
I Can Assure You...
If you've tried and failed with other online businesses before now, it's more than likely because you haven't had a simple, easy to follow system, taught by people who have actually built this kind of business.
You also haven't had the belief in the people OR the system (if you did, you wouldn't be reading this!)
And we get it...
So many people talk the talk, but most are full of absolutely crap.
Both Mike & I have been building Amazon businesses for many years now (over 13 years for me at this point!) Mike is doing this almost 4 years and he's now a 7 figure seller. If you watched the video you'll have seen some of our results (which took effort & time to create btw)