How Complete Online Beginners Can COPY Our Entire 7 Figure Amazon Wholesale Business 

 Swipe Our Proven System For Just $97 - Click For Sound

Stephen Somers
Dear Future Hero,

Hi! My name is Stephen Somers and with the help of my business partner Mike Sieben, we’ve been helping people build part and full time businesses using the Wholesale Business Model on Amazon.

If you’d like to build a real business FAST, that can legitimately replace your income without importing from China OR wasting any more time on ineffective, fluff-filled strategies, then you’re going to want to check out the ridiculously low cost training I’m about to give you access to for one ‘unfair-to-me’ price…
But First, A Quick Warning…
Let me make something abundantly clear to you:
This is NOT a ‘get rich quick’ or ‘get rich without doing anything’ program that promises you untold fortunes for no effort or work on your part.
Instead, let me promise you this..

When you dive into this Wholesale Express package, you’re going to get complete, unfiltered access to our entire wholesale model & see, over the shoulder, how to COPY our wholesale business from complete scratch.

...with what you're about to get your hands on for the princely sum of $97, you're NOT going to need to be a technical wizard or be ‘great with numbers’ to make a small fortune with this.

Now, does this mean you can get this working if switching on a computer or laptop is a challenge? No - I'd suggest coming back later if you're in this camp.

BUT - if you've basic computer skills & a burning desire to get the f*** out of the soul crushing job that's boring the heart and soul out of you...

...then Wholesale Express might just be the best way you put a crisp $10 bill to work right now!

Now, Before We Get Into What You Get...You Might Be Asking Yourself *This*

'Why are you guys offering this for $97 if it's soooo good?!'

That's a fair question & I'm going to respond the only way I know...with the truth (I know, it's kinda rare in the whole 'make money' space - a space that I kinda despise cos of the whole lack of truth thing!)

So here it is..

I'm bribing you.

That's right, you heard me.

I'm prepared to give you some of the best content we have available at a laughable price to prove to you that we're 'not like them' (you know who I mean - the guys flashing lambos telling you you'll be a millionaire in 90 days or less!!) 

Now, you might also ask 'well, why don't you give it away for free if your goal is to help more people?!'

Again, fair question (you're doing great!)

And again, here's the no-holds-barred truth.

If I give any of this to you for free, you'll do f*** all with it.

One things the gurus say that I DO agree with is this - when you pay, you pay attention.

And that's what's at stake here today. You giving this some of your time in order to create a significant change in your financial future.

The only way you'll do it is by actively watching, learning and DOING. It won't be by watching more BS videos on YouTube or wishing you were successful.

Both Mike & I LOVE helping people who have absolutely no experience doing this who are looking for a way to build a real business online that can replace their ‘job income’ and help them create REAL freedom from the 9-9 grind (because let’s face it, it’s never 5pm when you get home!)


Because I worked in a shitty job for years and hated it.

❌ I hated the commmute.
❌ The BS conversations at lunch.
❌ The boring meetings.
❌ The bosses with bad breath.
❌ The politics of it all.

And I said to myself 'if I ever figure this stuff out...I'm gonna share it'

This is my motivation to offer something to you for $97. It's an investment in YOU. 

I mean, we know that when you go through this (and are blown away) - you'll be excited about joining our Accelerate program & in time, our breakthrough Ascension mentorship program.

But for now, you're just getting to know us & you probably think we're like everyone else right now (which is normal!) 

I Can Assure You...

If you've tried and failed with other online businesses before now, it's more than likely because you haven't had a simple, easy to follow system, taught by people who have actually built this kind of business.

You also haven't had the belief in the people OR the system (if you did, you wouldn't be reading this!)

And we get it...

So many people talk the talk, but most are full of absolutely crap.

Both Mike & I have been building Amazon businesses for many years now (over 13 years for me at this point!) Mike is doing this almost 4 years and he's now a 7 figure seller. If you watched the video you'll have seen some of our results (which took effort & time to create btw)
Together we have all the experience, skills and hacks to lead you to success, without any of the BS you get from the "gurus" out there.

Our results are not typical, but it’s important to know that you absolutely CAN achieve outstanding results, we just can’t promise that you will (it’s totally unethical to do so as we don’t know you or your work ethic or your financial situation)

But I've seen people go from absolute beginner to producing as much as $340k in their first year doing this (with about 15% - 20% of that being profit before corporate taxes)

So, big things are possible but...

...if you’re not willing to put in the work and implement the material you’re about to get access to for less than the price of a cheap lunch…
Then please do not enrol in Wholesale Express.
With that said...let me ask…

Do You Feel Completely Overwhelmed By The Amount Of Information That’s Out There?

If the answer is ‘yes’ then I totally understand where you’re coming from.

When I started out in 2008, I felt completely lost and directionless…

I had zero idea how to get started, let alone understand how to repeatedly find profitable products that I could sell on Amazon!

The problem nowadays is that there’s just so many websites and courses and ‘experts’ out there who are teaching different tactics…

The REAL problem for people like you and me is that almost all of these guru types have limited experience and typically teach things that they heard from others.

Most of the time, they just jump into ‘hot’ markets and sell what they think people want to buy.

It’s like a big game of Chinese Whispers that ends in you feeling frustrated and annoyed at how everyone seems to contradict one another (right?!)

So then…

❓ How do you know which business is right for you?

❓ How do you know which is the ‘right’ course to buy?

❓ How do you know if what you’re learning ‘actually’ works?

And how do you know if the business that you’re building is going to be around for years to come (and isn’t some ‘flavour of the month’ type deal?!)

Finally, how do you take everything that you learn from various places and know what order to do it all in? 

Listen, I know how hard it is to figure this out.

And I especially know how hard it is to figure out a business that sells physical products - I mean, it’s NOT as simple as selling some digital thing, right?!

It’s for that very reason that we’ve put together the Wholesale Express package and we've organised it in a simple, logical way that’s going to help you know whether or not this is something that can one day get you out of your job & into something a lot better.

Or whether or not it can just pay for a nicer vacation, a newer car or more time to do whatever the hell you want with the kids.

So, let me introduce this thing to you in more detail so you know that this is the biggest no brainer of your life at just $97
When you enroll in Wholesale Express, we’re going to give you detailed, to-the-point videos that break down:

How To Get Paid To Resell Some of The BIGGEST Brands On The Planet

✅ The Hands Down, Easiest Way To Find Your First Profitable Opportunity

✅ The EXACT Strategies We Use To Locate 'Profit Rich' Suppliers Using FREE Tools

✅ The 'Positioning Secret' That Forces Amazon To Send You Their BEST Buyers On Autopilot

✅ ​The BEST Amazon Categories That Will Produce The Most Revenue & Profits For You

✅ ​And so much more!

PLUS...These 6 Amazing Bonuses When You Sign Up Today!
FREE Gift 1 - Mike’s Supplier Shortcuts 


A short but powerful training on Mike’s favorite method to find supplier leads for your wholesale business. Mike takes you over the shoulder to show you how he navigates a *secret platform* to find high-quality suppliers that will lead to hundreds of product ideas.

This knowledge is the key to being able to find a slew of profitable suppliers who have product after product that you can cherry pick at will & unlock the profit potential inside their databases.

With this one bonus, you can find your first supplier quickly & get things moving FAST!

FREE Gift 2 - Ultimate Accelerated Wholesale Guide


This ‘hot off the press’ detailed guide will give you a deep insight into the world of Amazon Wholesale. We share our secrets and tips on this new and exciting opportunity, the massive benefits of the business model, and why this is the perfect lifestyle business for you.

Without this end-to-end guide you'll be left wondering 'how does it all fit together' which will force you to go the 'long way' - slowing down your progress and momentum.

Instead of flailing around wondering how it all works - you can be ahead of the pack in minutes and have a CLEAR (not to mention proven) path to profits laid out for you.

FREE Gift 3 - Amazon Wholesale Profit Calculator


No more wondering how many products and suppliers it would take to reach your financial goals. With our easy-to-use MPSH wholesale calculator, you can find out the wholesale revenues and profits you can expect to see with this business model. Just plug in your numbers and watch your expected revenue and profits pop up on the screen before your eyes! 

No doubt this will be some of the most fun you'll have with this package!

Imagine laying out all kinds of scenarios and seeing what it takes to make those scenarios go from an idea to reality.

Whatever profit figure gets you can break it down & see how many suppliers & products you'll need on average to make it happen.

Note: these numbers are simply illustrations and are IN NO WAY designed to be some kind of 'earnings claim' or 'guarantee of results' - there's no way we can do that without knowing your unique situation.

Leave that kinda unethical nonsense to the lambo lads!

FREE Gift 4 - Lifestyle Entrepreneur Masterclass


In this bonus training, we cover the exact principles and keys to becoming a true lifestyle entrepreneur. This means no more 9-5 or trading your time for a paycheck. In this training, we also share the main reasons most aspiring business owners fail, and how you can avoid being one of them.

Having a lifestyle business is one of the greatest things you can do for yourself to feel a sense of control & power.

I mean...being in a job it is literally the OPPOSITE of how it feels to have this down.

This part of the package is designed to ensure you get your head right & know what it's going to take to stop talking the talk and instead become someone who makes things happen.

FREE Gift 5 - MPSH Business Book Vault


A substantial collection of Stephen’s best business book recommendations. In each section, he shares a quick summary of the book and highlights why it helped and how it can help you. This vault will give you a shortcut to the best books in business. All the research has been done so you can just pick them up and read!

FREE Gift 6 - Viral Video Vault


We've put together a bonus collection of trainings that Mike & I have created over the last 12 months that will absolutely give you an 'unfair advantage' over anyone else who HASN'T seen them. And the good news for you is that these videos have only been seen by a small fraction of our community so the tactics you'll learn are 'bleeding edge' and are outrageously effective.

We'll reveal some of our biggest secrets to you including sharing the BEST Amazon product categories to focus on - this alone will save you hundreds of hours of wasted time AND money.

You'll discover some of our most profitable products we've sold over the past couple of years with this model.

You'll even learn how to use new & exciting technologies like AI to be able to launch an Amazon wholesale business from scratch.

These videos are NOT to be missed!

Total Value: $585

Normal Price: $197

Special Price Today: ONLY $97

Exactly What You’re Getting
First of all, this is dramatically different to anything you’ve ever seen because we don’t waste time telling our life story or boring you with non important details…

Instead, we wanted to give you an organized training package that would get you started NOW on the path to making a real income on Amazon as a complete beginner.

The good news is that you won’t find ANY fluff or filler in here. It’s all killer content, designed to be easily understandable and implementable by you!

Each video is designed so you can watch, consume and learn from them QUICKLY.

In fact, you’ll find that you’ll binge watch them in an afternoon and will learn more than most expensive courses for an ‘unfair-to-us’ fee.

By the time you’re finished, you’re going to finally understand how this business works in detail and you’re going to be equipped with enough knowledge to get you started right out of the gate (that’s almost priceless!)
**Specifically Designed For People Who Want Sustainable Income Every Month!**
When you enrol in ‘Wholesale Express’...

Your vision will expand almost immediately. Your life will change and your ability to finally go from ‘wantrepreneur’ to fully fledged entrepreneur will finally fall into your hands.

I promise you, once you watch these videos, you’ll never look at business the same way again.

I know it sounds like a cliche, but this stuff really is that powerful!

And don’t worry if you’re concerned about not understanding all of this stuff (especially if you’re new to online business) - it’s all laid out in every basic, simple English that anyone can ‘get’ immediately.

So why is it only $97? 

Like I said earlier...I wanna bribe you to become a customer of ours and see how INCREDIBLE our material really is.

Also, I remember what it was like to feel lost and have no one there to actually help me.

We've had our ‘shot.’ Now we’re giving you yours!
Okay Stephen, I’m Ready! How Do I Get Started?
I’m sure you think that these collection of modules are going to be really expensive right?

We're going to give you access for $97.

The reason? Well, number one, I want to give you something to cement our ‘new relationship’ the right way and give you phenomenal, high level content for almost nothing in return.

Number two - because we want to work with you LONG TERM. We want to be there to help you every step of the way with this business.

The best way to do that is to give you stuff that you can actually use and make money with so that you’ll want to work with us long term.

Maybe you think that sounds kinda ‘selfish’ of us, but to us, it’s how we like to be treated.

Give massive value up front and work with someone for a lifetime.

So, if you would like to copy our exact strategy for building real, sustainable businesses on Amazon that have been battle tested to the LIMIT...

Then you really need to GET ACCESS NOW! Don't put it off or you will lose out.

To Wrap This Up…
How much faster would you be able to start generating sales with your new online business if you had the exact ‘paint by numbers’ playbook that’s been responsible for Mike's 7-figure success on Amazon?

How much time could you easily slash from your learning curve if you were able to access the A-Z plan for going from ‘Zero to Hero’ with our best Wholesale strategies in one place?

How would it feel to be able to say goodbye to your job and get control of your day again, making an income from selling other people's products on the #1 website in the world?!

That’s the power of knowing how to build a business like this and it’s a power that’s easily attainable for those who are committed to learning how this works and taking instant action on the material.

Let me say that we should really charge for these videos and ask for at LEAST $197 to have everything in one, easily accessible place.

But that doesn’t help us get our message in front of people at a price that ANYONE who’s even remotely serious can afford.

After all, our goal isn’t only to ‘make money.’ Of course, we're a business, but like I said, we're in this for the long-term with you, to work with you now and into the future.

You may not believe what I’m saying. Hell, you might even be rolling your eyes and thinking ‘what BS.’

But it’s true.
We could easily keep all this stuff to ourselves and work a whole lot less!

But that doesn’t help us make much of an impact and it certainly doesn’t help us help good people grow a real business.

After all, there’s NO WAY we could sell every available product on Amazon and we’re just tired of seeing good people get messed around from ‘experts’ who don’t know what they’re talking about.

So grab access now for $97 while it’s still at this stupidly low price (this is a test to see how many people are interested, so it may go up in the not too distant future, depending on the level of interest.)

I mean if you were to pay $197 for something that helped you make even an extra $2k per month, you’d say that’s a pretty fair deal right?

So at $97, we have truly lost our minds!
Here’s What To Do Next…
The cost of the entire Wholesale Express is $97 right now and you get access to everything instantly.

All you have to do is scroll down to the button below and click on it to be brought straight to the checkout page.

As soon as you fill in all your billing details and check out, we’ll send you an email with your login information.

It’s as simple as that.

So, all you’ve got to to ask yourself now is this:

Is it worth investing $97 to change your life?

I’m sure you’ll agree that the answer is a HUGE yes!!

And No, There’s No Catch!
Unfortunately, there are many unethical people out there who’ll charge you $97 now and then keep charging you every month.

We won’t do that!

You’ll pay just $97 and that’s it for access to this entire program.

And in case you’re wondering...every time somebody joins this program, we actually lose about $20.

But it’s worth it to bring you ‘into our world’ and show you that we’re people that you can trust and work with.

So yes, we absolutely will follow up from time to time with things that you NEED - but it’ll always be up to you whether or not you want to try those things out.

And hey, if this product isn’t for you, then no worries, just let us know inside 30 days and we’ll refund you. No harm, no foul.

So, what are you waiting for? Get into this thing for $97 now!

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

See you on the next page,

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

We've put together a collection of phenomenal Amazon-building videos FOR ONLY $97!

When you join, you'll get access to our wholesale business model laid out in front of you..

This is a very limited opportunity because it's a marketing test.

This masterclass collection is $97.

There is no "catch" to this offer. You will not be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that.

Click the button below to grab your spot. You won't regret it.
Yes Stephen! I want to Claim The Wholesale Express Package AND My 6 Free Gifts So I can Multiply My Income Over The next 12 months without big up front costs or needing years of experience to make it happen!
  • The Wholesale Express package will be delivered immediately when you order
  • You'll get our entire plan that'll create a part or full time income for you on Amazon
  • Just follow the system without deviation & big results can be yours!

Grab This Breakthrough Package Today & 6 FREE Gifts

For A One Time Payment Of Just $197 $97!

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*Earnings and income representations made by Marketplace SuperHeroes and its affiliate partners are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. These results are not typical and results will vary. The results on this page are OUR results and from years of testing. We can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results.